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Orders 2213-???? | Turnchat Sat 28th Dec. 2200 GMT

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  • Orders 2213-???? | Turnchat Sat 28th Dec. 2200 GMT

    Direectors, post your orders, and who can make it on saturday?
    <Kassiopeia> you don't keep the virgins in your lair at a sodomising distance from your beasts or male prisoners. If you devirginised them yourself, though, that's another story. If they devirginised each other, then, I hope you had that webcam running.
    Play Bumps! No, wait, play Slings!

  • #2
    I can.


    • #3
      i can maybe depends.......
      Welcome to the DBTSverse!
      God, Allah, boedha, siva, the stars, tealeaves and the palm of you hand. If you are so desperately looking for something to believe in GO FIND A MIRROR
      'Space05us is just a stupid nice guy' - Space05us


      • #4
        i can maybe depends.......

        oh just dump your gf know you love the DG more
        <Kassiopeia> you don't keep the virgins in your lair at a sodomising distance from your beasts or male prisoners. If you devirginised them yourself, though, that's another story. If they devirginised each other, then, I hope you had that webcam running.
        Play Bumps! No, wait, play Slings!


        • #5
          lol......... i just can decide between kicking the hive butt.....or doing some improper thing with my GF...
          Welcome to the DBTSverse!
          God, Allah, boedha, siva, the stars, tealeaves and the palm of you hand. If you are so desperately looking for something to believe in GO FIND A MIRROR
          'Space05us is just a stupid nice guy' - Space05us


          • #6
            I guess I can make it, though perhaps a little later than 22.00 GMT.

            Preliminary Jedinica Vrijstaat orders, MY 2113 onwards

            Build queues

            Hab Complex
            Gatling Squad
            Police Infantry
            Colony Pod

            Network Node

            Sheathed Sword
            Recreation Commons
            Children's Creche

            Terminal Dogma
            (changes - the local terraformation works are proceeding faster then expected)
            Recreation Commons
            Supply Crawler
            Supply Crawler

            Supply crawlers

            Supply crawler 1 produced in Terminal Dogma
            Convoy minerals S of Terminal Dogma, (18,68)

            Supply crawler 2 produced in Terminal Dogma
            Convoy nutrients SE of Terminal Dogma, (19,67)

            Worker allocations

            Terminal Dogma
            Move W-SW worker (farm & solar collector) to E (forest)

            Move NE worker (flat & rainy tile) to NE-E (farm & solar collector)

            When size 9 is reached, change one flat&rainy worker to a librarian, provided food is sufficient, and no doctor is needed instead.


            Sheathed Sword former 1 N-NE of Sheathed Sword (13,59), no orders
            -move S, then E, to (15,61), E-NE of Sheathed Sword
            -build road
            -move one tile SW
            -build farm
            -build solar collector

            Sheathed Sword former 2 N-NE of Sheathed Sword (13,59), no orders
            -move S, then SE to (14,62), E of Sheathed Sword
            -build farm
            -build solar collector

            Sheathed Sword former W of Sheathed Sword (10,62), constructing sensor array
            -finish sensor array
            -move one tile SE
            -build road
            -move two tiles E
            -build sensor array

            Terminal Dogma former S of Terminal Dogma (18,68), constructing mine
            -finish mine
            -move one tile NE
            -build farm
            -build condenser

            Terminal Dogma former E of Sheathed Sword (20,66), no orders
            -move one tile SE
            -plant forest
            -build sensor array
            -move one tile W, then one tile SW
            -construct mine
            -move one tile NE
            -build farm
            -build condenser

            Concordia former S-E-E of Terminal Dogma (22,68), no orders
            -build road
            -move one tile NW
            -plant forest
            -build sensor array
            -move one tile W, then one tile SW
            -construct mine
            -move one tile NE
            -build farm
            -build condenser

            Pandemonium former SE of Pandemonium (13,69), no orders
            -construct solar collector
            -move one tile N
            -build farm
            -build condenser

            Terminal Dogma former SE of Pandemonium (13,69), no orders
            -construct solar collector
            -move one tile N
            -build farm
            -build condenser

            Pandemonium former SW of Pandemonium (13,69), no orders
            -move one tile N
            -build road
            -move one tile E
            -build farm
            -build condenser

            Concordia former NE-NE of Concordia (13,73), building road
            -finish road
            -move two tiles E, after the road at (15,73) is completed
            -remove fungus

            Concordia former NE-NE of Concordia (13,73), moving to (15,73)
            -move to (15,73)
            -build road
            -move one tile E
            -remove fungus
            Contraria sunt Complementa. -- Niels Bohr
            Mods: SMAniaC (SMAC) & Planetfall (Civ4)


            • #7
              Base Names (in that order)
              UN Research Complex
              Twin Peaks
              The Academy of Transcendentalism (shorten if necessary)

              Sea Base Names
              UN Marine Institute
              Espirito Del Aqua
              SecretInternalAffairsComplex (if it doesn't fit, remove "secret")

              Base Locations
              S S S W SW of New Tassagrad
              S S E E E of New Suez (if we get a pod from there. i'm not sure if we have one though)
              N E E E NE of Sheathed Sword, if that pod comes around
              see here to find out where we should build east of concordia, should a pod become available


              • #8
                /me orders will come here friday
                Welcome to the DBTSverse!
                God, Allah, boedha, siva, the stars, tealeaves and the palm of you hand. If you are so desperately looking for something to believe in GO FIND A MIRROR
                'Space05us is just a stupid nice guy' - Space05us


                • #9
                  I can't I'm away But I'll post orders/polls if needed tomorrow when I've had a chance to look at the save.
                  For though he was master of the world, he was not quite sure what to do next
                  But he would think of something

                  "Hm. I suppose I should get my waffle a santa hat." - Kuciwalker


                  • #10
                    Twin Sea Preliminary Orders MY 2213-???

                    Build Queues

                    New Suez (no change)

                    Mysidia (no change)

                    Crystalis (no change)

                    Recycling Tanks
                    Children’s Crèche
                    Supply Crawler
                    Colony Pod
                    Network Node
                    Research Hospital

                    New Base 1 (34, 108)
                    1-1-1 Scout Patrol
                    Recycling Tanks
                    Children’s Crèche

                    New Base 2 (23, 111)
                    1-1-1 Scout Patrol
                    Recycling Tanks
                    Children’s Crèche


                    No changes necessary for the time being;


                    New Suez Sea Former (22, 94) west of New Suez
                    -move to 22, 94; directly southeast of present location
                    -cultivate kelp farm
                    -construct tidal harness

                    Crystalis Former (26,104) southwest of Crystlis, planting forest
                    -finish planting forest (due for completion in 3 turns)
                    -construct road
                    -move to 25, 107; directly southwest of present location
                    -remove fungus
                    -plant forest
                    -build road

                    Mysidia Former (30, 106) northeast of Crystalis
                    -leave in present location
                    -remove fungus
                    -plant forest
                    -build road
                    -remove fungus

                    New Suez Former (29, 105) northeast of Crystalis, removing fungus
                    -finish removing fungus (2 turns to go)
                    -in same location plant forest
                    -construct road

                    New Apolyton Former (20, 108) southeast of Aurora, building road
                    -finish constructing road
                    -move to 20, 110; directly south of present location
                    -construct mine
                    -build road

                    U.N. Pizza Delivery Former (22, 102) south of Mysidia, building road
                    -finish building road (2 turns to completion)
                    -move to 22, 104; directly south of present location
                    -construct thermal borehole

                    Tactius Academy Former (21, 103) southwest of Mysidia
                    -move to 23, 99; directly northeast of Mysidia
                    -plant forest
                    -build road
                    You can only curse me to eternal damnation for so long!


                    • #11
                      I won't be able to make it Saturday, as I'll be traveling to visit family. Orders will be posted Thursday night.
                      Adam T. Gieseler


                      • #12
                        GOVERNOR ORDERS AS OF MY 2213:

                        Build Queue Orders:
                        New Apolyton:
                        Insert Police Plasma Sentinels to end of queue (1-3-1 police).

                        Request permission to rush Network Node, for 74 ECs.
                        EDIT: permission granted.

                        Tacticus Academy:
                        No changes.

                        No changes.

                        Worker Placement Orders:
                        New Apolyton:
                        No changes.

                        Move 13,83 to 14,84.

                        Tacticus Academy:
                        Move Doctor to 7,87.

                        No changes.

                        Crawler Orders:
                        Tacticus Academy crawler (8, 86) north of Tacticus Academy, crawl minerals.
                        - Move to 6,88 & crawl nutrients.

                        Tacticus Academy crawler (8, 90) south of Tacticus Academy, crawl minerals.
                        - Move to 10,88 & crawl minerals.

                        Former Orders:
                        Tacticus Academy former (6, 88), west of Tacticus Academy, no orders.
                        - Move NW 1 tile and build condenser, then farm, then move to 8,84, build condenser, then farm.

                        ThisBaseIsBelongToUs former (6, 88), west of Tacticus Academy, no orders.
                        - Move NW 1 tile and build condenser, then farm, then move to 8,84, build condenser, then farm.

                        Antioch former (6, 88), W of Tacticus Academy, no orders
                        - Move NW 1 tile and build condenser, then farm, then move to 8,84, build condenser, then farm.

                        ThisBaseIsBelongToUs former (6,88), W of Tacticus academy, no orders
                        - Move NW 1 tile and build condenser, then farm, then move to 8,84, build condenser, then farm.

                        Tacticus Academy former (12, 84), WNW of ThisBaseIsBelongToUs, build farm
                        - Continue clearing fungus, then build farm, collector, & road, in that order.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by GeneralTacticus
                          Request permission to rush Network Node, for 74 ECs.


                          • #14
                            BTW, an urgent problem that needs to be addressed: i know there are no formers around suez right now, so can we divert/build some? we're losing lots of mins/turn here
                            Attached Files


                            • #15
                              The least we can do in the meantime is to switch that damn crawler to a forest tile while we wait for the mines to be fixed. This is setting back everything in NS for years.

